With arya's "naan kadavul" right around the corner the director of the movie bala has revealed some of the secrets of the movie. Its about the aghori sadhus in india and once again bala has touched an extreme which no one has ever tried or even thought of doing. Aghori sadhus in india shocking to common man practise cannibalism as a religious ritual to attain a divine status called as "moksha". I have added a real footage on how these sadhus practise cannibalism and I SERIOUSLY CAUTION people who are heart patients and who are light hearted "DON'T WATCH THIS VIDEO". And this video is not meant to hurt the religious sentiments of any. Viewing this video is at your own discretion.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Aghori sadhus cannibals-shocking truth
Posted by venom at 6:43 PM
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no words... I'm shocked! Plain shocked.. I really don't want myself to burned somewhere near the Ganges or something! Gory video!
This is terrible and shocking!!! Almost made me vomit! Where are these so-called sadhus residing? Are they only in and around Varanasi? I don't know why there are no such laws which puts an end to these inhuman occult practices. If these shocking truths are brought to limelight by films or documentaries, those should definitely attract the attention of the authorities.
Read quran, understand islam..
No other book claims to be the very words of God as spoken in the first person. No other book claims to be without error or contradiction, originating from the one who has "knowledge of everything". No other book provides falsification to prove it wrong, as demanded by the scientific community and finally no other book challenges people of learning to a final debate of authenticity based on knowledge and verification
HARAAM means forbidden, prohibited and unlawful. The word HARAAM is used for inviolable ordinances and prohibitions of Allah ONE GOD). In the following, some things that have been declared HARAAM by Quran, are given:
{note: This is not the complete list of all forbidden things given in Quran}
*[Eating] any Animal that dies itself [2:173, 6:145, 16:115]
*[Eating] any Animal that has been strangled to death [5:3]
*[Eating] any Animal beaten to death [5:3]
*[Eating] any Animal that dies by falling from height [5:3]
*[Eating] any Animal gored to death by horns [5:3]
*[Eating] any Animal eaten by a wild animal unless you are able to slaughter it while it is still alive [5:3]
*[Eating] any Animal that which is sacrificed on altars (devotional stones or blocks in shrines considered sacred) [5:3]
*[Drinking] blood [2:173, 6:145, 16:115]
*[Eating anything on which Allah's name has not be pronounced [while slaughtering] is also forbidden {5:4}]
* Aghori is beyond the bounds of the earthly shackles; nay, something above the elements which shape the universe, and you. He takes a sort of intoxicant and thus gets intoxicated in Supreme Love which emanates from the innermost recesses of his heart. Shall I call it interiority? It is that part which is beyond awareness. He gives off the best part of love. Why part? Part of the Supreme, Universal Love, where one experiences, with the help of perception, All-in-One/One-in-All. When you, the finite, merge into infinity what dost thou not know? During this stage he merges with his own deity so that he becomes Him -- capital H. That is why he is said to have gone from darkness to divine enlightenment. This is an Aghori.
** Aghoris go so far into the ghora that the ghora becomes tolerable to them; diving deeply into darkness, an aghori finally surfaces into light. No means to awakening is too disgusting or frightening for an aghori, for Aghora is the Path of the Shadow of Death, the path that forcibly separates an individual from attachment to every ordinary self-descriptor.
*** They die day by day while they are still alive, that by dying to their limitations they can be reborn into the eternal life of Reality.
Contact me if you need to find out more
Mahadev ..Is it really required ..to eat the dead remnants to get spiritually enlightened .that too with intoxicants ? I do not think so .Vivekananda did not get spiritually enlightened with eating dead bodies or using intoxicants .There is a natural more beautiful and evolved way towards spirituality .But ofcourse what they do is no lesser than What Bush and Bin Laden are doing . If Bush Laden can do it in the name of commerce , i guess these sadhus too can do it in the name of spirituality ! Kudos for posting such a bold video man
Dear Tariq,
You do not know what you are talking about? Just because you belong to certain faith you just overlook their weakness and glorify their goodness. Just explain how "Masjidi Haram" was build & what happened to all of the Prophets family members?
Why is that in the Quran they talk about slavery yet the prophets was offering freedom to them during the begining of islam?
I could go more in detail...so please if you are a muslim, be a good muslim and if you are a christian be a good one or an hindu be a good hindu...period.
pls do not do advertisement of ones religion!
No its not required, however, this another path that some choose to follow. There are several other paths to moksha. As far as beauty is concerned we all know that it lies in the eye of the beholder, to them this is beautiful, they take things that have been abandoned and looked down upon and embrace them like another one of god's creations. They celebrate death for it brings promise of a new beginning.
Hi Manjunath,
I am an European journalist. Could you please contact me on mnschulte@hotmail.com?
Thank you
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