Bala’s magnum opus is nearing completion and in an exclusive interview to a Tamil tabloid, the director has revealed some of the closely guarded secrets of the movie. Naan Kadavul is mostly shot in the banks of the Hindu holy river Ganges and opens with Arya’s rudradadavam in the shores of the river. |
Bala has brought to light the lives of Agory Sadhus, who are said to be cannibals surviving on the dead in the banks of Ganges, for the first time in Indian cinema. The movie also focuses on the lives of physically and mentally challenged people and beggars. “I wanted to employ real people in the movie and hence we had to interact with such people a lot to make them deliver the dialogues perfectly,” Bala revealed. There are scenes of Arya consuming Pooja’s dead body (and Arya plays an Agory) which might invite trouble from the censor board. However, Bala has an equally powerful climax scene in hand just in case the censor officials raise concern. Besides, Bala revealed that the climax fight scene took about one month to shoot. “The fight scenes will be real and we had to work for a month to that effect,” Bala was quoted as saying. |
Ilayaraja's music, definitely no boundaries!! Arya, (he studied in my college), way to go arya!!
That's not cool definitely:) It was shocking when I saw the video and kept remembering it for few days. It is an inhuman and awful. I hope this movie draws some mass attention and stops this horrendous ritual.
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